Additional Information

We always promote product from Dr. Sebi’s last operating office first, which is located in Los Angeles, California. Advocates for Dr. Sebi who appreciate the works of Zee Malachi have been growing strong with associates who have stepped up to help make healing even more available to the public in a variety of services. So be sure to become an Alkaline Eclectic member and check out the herbs that are available even in capsule form.

Additional remarkable associates of ours is the Delevoe family, starting with the elder Dr. Lois Delevoe. You will find a variety of herbs that they have made available for you at Dr. Delevoe’s Electric Herbs and Marketplace. Consultation is currently free and this opportunity

will not last.

If you are in the Bahamas or would like to try native plant products from the mineral rich lands of the Bahamas from our associates who were also assisted by Dr. Sebi, you should visit New Life Bahamas.

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