Iron Tonic – TaTanisha

Dr. Sebi once told a story about an actor named Lee Weaver who certainly did not favor him. Well at least during a certain moment in Mr. Weaver’s life, he did not favor Dr. Sebi but that changed within a year’s time. Lee Weaver’s wife worked for Dr. Sebi during the years she was no longer active as an actress. Her name was Shirley Cummings, “AKA” Ta-Tanisha. Her husband was frustrated over her no longer working as an actress and didn’t think she would earn what she deserves while working for Dr. Sebi. They both work on many sets together of well known SITCOMs.

When Ta-Tanisha learned about Dr. Sebi, her interest was to get next to some healing. She started part time and then negotiated for a full time position. She was where she wanted to be and getting paid for her time, but her husband was furious about it. This would be around 2003 when Dr. Sebi was 70. Her husband is still acting, being placed in movies and is one day on his way to catch a flight to a gig in Detroit. The plane lands in Chicago where he waits to transfer to another flight and he starts bleeding profusely. The bleeding does not stop and he is rushed to the hospital where even the doctors are confused. It’s reaching the point where he is facing death within a day or two and they notify his wife. According to Dr. Sebi’s account, it sounds like Mr. Weaver was bleeding from his anus.

Dr. Sebi tells Ta-Tanisha to grab the compounds and fly to Chicago. One hour after she gave her husband the compound, the bleeding stops. When the doctors asked Ta-Tanisha what she gave her husband, she replied, “I gave him Dr. Sebi’s Iron Tonic.

Lee Weaver was grateful and vowed to assist Dr. Sebi. Mr. Weaver expressed to Dr. Sebi how he was going to see a billionaire that should know about him. He was good friends with Bill Cosby and promised that he would certainly tell Mr. Cosby about his healing experience. Bill Cosby and Eddie Murphy both had plans to produce a film telling Dr. Sebi’s story.

1969 – Here she is in several of her roles for ROOM 222  – “The Exchange Teacher”

Minutes – 17:28

Minutes – 17:33

Minutes – 18:01

Minutes – 18:54 to 19:08

Minutes – 19:12 to 19:20

Minutes – 19:50 to19:54


                                    Lee Weaver’s Work     /     Ta-Tanisha’s Work



Lee Weaver was also deep into the blues and he could sing too. I bought his album off of amazon and it is pretty darn good. If you want to check it out, just click on the image for the album to the right. Let me know what you think.

Lets hear Dr. Sebi’s account of this beautiful woman’s effort to save her husband’s life. The office manager we rarely hear about who has been in shows such as GOOD TIMES, THE JEFFERSONS, SANFORD & SON, and WHAT’S HAPPENING is still alive and kick in 2020 as far as I know.


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