

Dr Sebi speak about what can happen when the head is obstructed with mucus. You will constantly experience mucus in the throat. A noted symptom when the head is obstructed is nervousness. Dr. Sebi tells of his own experience. Listen to the audio below.


Dr Sebi speaks of starting with the bio 1s and 2s which can now only be found at the fig tree. The compounds that will accomplish the necessary cleansing is found in Dr. Sebi’s therapeutic package; items such as the Electra cell, Cell Cleanser and Cell Cleanser 4, Ecal, and the Lupulo.

For children, we simply give them plant based Iron. As explained by Dr. Sebi.

Nervousness 2


Iron plus Bio Ferro

The two iron products (Iron Plus & Bio Ferro) can be purchased from Dr. Sebi’s official website.  Contact the office for chelations 1 & 2.





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  1. I would like to start of with how sorry I am for the loss of such a powerful healer ,educator, miracle God.
    I have heard alot on Dr Sebi and only wished to of met him personally.
    I would like more information on how to get an assessment and purchase the right products so I can cleanse and health my body.
    Please can you help me.

  2. Hi. How are you .I’m from a caribean country as a register nurse I help people to aid in their improvement towards optimal health when there sick. I love what I do as a nurse. But the thing is I’m sick and need help as much as possible and I wonder if anyone besides God can help me. My life was great until it take a drastic turn but I pray that someone can reach out to me and help me smile again.

  3. hi zee pls does dr sabi has training school or learning through intrernet for pple like us who wants to emulate him n does not have acess to go to usha .i love to cure pple with herbs

    • Not at this moment. Dr. Sebi has spoke extensively regarding the process of healing which is a very important application to mixing herbs to make compounds which he explains took him 18 years to learn how to do. I will continue to archive many of those lessons associated with the process of healing until we have every single thing that he has said.

      • hello Zee Malachi i was just wondering did dr sebi cover anything about mental illness.i know a person who suffers from bipolar and i would like to help them

        • Yes, he has addressed the use of mushrooms and use of the compounds Banju and Iron plus. The African Bio Mineral Balance is a concept that should be familiar to anyone wanting to heal any disease. “THINKING” about the application of any particular herb or compound is pointless without overstanding the African BioMineral Balance.

          • Thanks for your quick response.the last thing I was wondering did Dr sebi cover anything that can repair or strength the male reproductive system and did he cover anything that helps the body to repair tissue*

          • Yes, for tissue repair

            and for male reproductive system

            The African Bio Mineral Balance is a concept that should be familiar to anyone wanting to heal any disease. “THINKING” about the application of any particular herb or compound is pointless without overstanding the African BioMineral Balance.

  4. Greetings. Praise be to God and Mother Nature for their wonderful son and steward of healing Dr. Sebi and to you all who are keeping his legacy going. Thank you. I am somewhat new to the depth of Dr. Sebi’s work yet after listening and reading the content of the site IT ALL MAKES SENSE. My children’s pediatrician strongly believes in and directed us to Dr. Sebi’s principles and work. I am a newly breastfeeding mother and am very upset that prior to my delivery that while in a vulnerable physical and spiritual state onee week before childbirth, a midwife that was not my regular one somehow convinced me that I must “quickly” take a certain vaccine for the safety of my child andsafety; if not there was a potential risk of blindness or death especially with my “history” she said. I did not kniw what she meant because all were birn healthy and I never had complication.I have birthed 6 healthy children, yet my 1st son passed away they say with SIDS after a well visit checkup. I have 5 children here on earth. She reminded me of this loss. I was alone at this particular visit and believe in my already vulnerwble state due to personal things going on in life and my unusually high blood pressure and being told I may not “make it through” or “stroke” in childbirth, I foolishly took the vaccine without researching – contrary to my normal view of vaccines. After that vaccine, I did not feel right and began to have spasms in my spine for months after childbirth. This never occured before, I never had vaccine before childbirth,my childbirth was natural but thus was the only variable that was different. They also gave my newbirn a shot after birth and triednto gibe her another of the same and if I had not spoken up they would have give another of the same. I feel violated and want this poison out of my system. I was told that I coyld not do any type ofndetox because I am breastfeeding and it could oass on to my child inclyding Dr. Sebi’s. Is this true and if so what shiuld I do for her and I to get it out of our system? Is she too young. She is so vibrant and have not received another immunization especially once in the care of our regular pediatrician and my regular midwife both oppose vaccines. I am 38 and my infant that I am now breastfeeding is 6 months and a girl. We had a near death experience with her one we3k after birth that resembled what occurred when my son died. But prayer brought us through and her spirit back. I believe it was that shit given to her and that was what killed my son. That is the actual history and i wish i new then of all the infant deaths that occurred after vaccinations or my son that died would never had one. Once my eyes were opened to this danger and i met their current pediatrician they never received another.eI have breastfeed all of my children for about 2 to 2and 1/2 yrs each but do not know what to do in this situation. I have come to learn more of Dr Sebi after his passing but hope you all can help me, a breastfeeding mom, our infant and our other children. Thank you and may the peace and wisdom of God rest and remain upon you heavily during the time of Dr.Sebi’s departure.

    • Thrive to be consistent in making sure your internal environment is alkaline. Keep learning about the principles of the African Bio Mineral Balance. The bromide tea will help and do as much according to the nutritional guide as possible.

  5. Iknow somone that have aids is the cure still avbl to buy

    • About Reversing AIDS

      All African Bio-mineral Balance compounds are comprised of natural plants; which means its constitution is of an alkaline nature. This is important – and instrumental in our success in reversing pathologies – because disease can only exist in an environment that is acid; thus it is inconsistent to utilize inorganic substances when treating disease because they are of an acid base. Only consistent use of natural botanical remedies will effectively cleans and detoxify a diseased body, reversing it to its intended alkaline state. Our system of nutrition goes even further. In addition to removing the accumulation of years of toxins, the African Bio-mineral balance replaces depleted minerals and rejuvenates damaged cell tissue eroded by the acid diseased state.


  6. Blessings to theblate andngreat Dr. Sebi, antrue gift from Gos. Blessing to allnofnhis disciples who will carry on his great work. My son has been recently diagnosed with a form of scitzophrenia, the first stage. What would be the ideal package to purchase for him? Is their a liquid form as he sometimes notnprone to longest pills.

    • Yes be sure to get several bottles of the Banju.

      Be sure to have the bromide plus powder handy for making tea and have him drink a cup at least three times a day. You only need a very little amount to make tea. Boil 2 cups of water, put the boiling water in the blender and turn it on. Place half a tea spoon of bromide in the blender while it is on and in a minute or two your tea is ready.

      You can drink the other cup *smile*

  7. What a great page. I would like to know more about how we can tell which herbs and foods are natural around us. It is my desire to investigate further so any information you can lead me towards (books, lecturers, websites, advocates etc) would be greatly appreciated. It would be a blessing to have a complete knowledge and innerstanding of this topic. Thanks for your help and assistance. With Love

    • Dr. Sebi learned to be concerned with the pH of the herbs and natural foods around us. He would send them off to a laboratory.
      Enjoy studying the website. It is growing, we have books, and additional information.

  8. Hi Zea how you doing my husband have advances dementia plse what kind herbal remedies from dr sebi can help him out plse

    • All African Bio-mineral Balance compounds are comprised of natural plants; which means its constitution is of an alkaline nature. This is important – and instrumental in our success in reversing pathologies – because disease can only exist in an environment that is acid; thus it is inconsistent to utilize inorganic substances when treating disease because they are of an acid base. Only consistent use of natural botanical remedies will effectively cleans and detoxify a diseased body, reversing it to its intended alkaline state. Our system of nutrition goes even further. In addition to removing the accumulation of years of toxins, the African Bio-mineral balance replaces depleted minerals and rejuvenates damaged cell tissue eroded by the acid diseased state.

      Years of illness is simply addressed with a cleaning. Time for some, Viento, Iron, Banju and bromides.

      Contact the office if you are interested in getting a therapeutic package.

  9. My daughter has been diagnosed with classical Autism and sensory processing disorder. She also suffers from head, stomach, back pains and intense nerve pain in her extremeties due to vaccine damage. Also discovered recently there may also be a possibility of petite mal or silent seizures. Is there any recommendations for packages or combination of supplements, herbs and alkaline foods for her to ingest to facilitate healing of the peripheral, autonomic nervous system?

    Thank you

    • To reverse such conditions we turn to strict eating, teas and tonics. The cells need to do their job and to do that they need to be free of anything interfering with cellular function that makes it easier to acquire an acid condition. The banju and the bromide plus powder (to make tea) will keep the blood and body cleansed and mineral-supplied in order to maintain an internal alkaline state that will strengthen and nourish the cells. Viento is also excellent for clearing matters dealing with the head and for children you can remove it from the capsules in order to make tea (boil water, put boiling water in blender and turn on, open capsule and put viento in boiling water while blender is on – ready in two minutes)

      This will eliminate or decrease the amount of seizures experienced, put an end to the pain and headaches.
      Be sure to feed her according to the nutritional guide.

      Contact the LA Office for additional information.
      2807 La Cienega Avenue
      Los Angeles, CA 90034

      9:00 AM-12:30 PM

      10:00 AM-3:00 PM
      All times are pacific time

  10. hello I have looking for so help with my skin problems,studdering, cloudy brain please help.

    • Contact the LA office.

      Lay off of anything that is fat or anything that contains lactic acid. These things tend to obstruct the dermal of the skin. Eva Salve is recommended for the skin while Banju is recommended for cleansing the blood.

      Bromide Plus Powder to make tea out of and drink at least 2 cups a day. This will help replace your mineral balance.
      Banju and viento to address cloudy brain.
      Eva Salve but do not apply around eyes or private areas.
      Small cleansing package to help bring an internal alkaline state into play which will put an end to nervous conditions, stuttering and skin problems.

      Review your options above and contact the LA Office.
      2807 La Cienega Avenue
      Los Angeles, CA 90034

      9:00 AM-12:30 PM

      10:00 AM-3:00 PM
      All times are pacific time

      • Hi I’m so desperate for help I’m having mental problems right now I’m so sick what u recommend for me my head is soon tight I’m having anxiety problems I’m beyond tired i heard u said mushrooms is that the normal green mushrooms

        • Dr. Sebi would use a variety of mushrooms to help reverse mental issues, but he has always been very clear in the necessity to approach healing by making an effort to remove any acidity that is responsible for internal compromise. Cleansing the body will return it to functioning in an electrical state where the immune system is stronger and more able to efficiently rid itself of disease or cellular compromising foods. Mushrooms are rarely green and usually gray, brown and white.

          The task where healing must be accomplished is found in the pH balance in the body’s blood. Immunology reveals that getting sick, acquiring diseases and bad microbes are due to a deficiency in the blood which affects the immune system. If the pH of the body is acidic, then it will strip the body of it’s mineral nutrients and deprived the body’s ability to have a strong immune system.

          Keep in mind that during some healing or cleansing processes, you will need to get more rest than usual. Depending on your situation, you may need to prepare to endure what is referred to as the healing crisis; which in short means to expect things to get worse before they get better. This has a lot to do with why Dr. Sebi uses the terminology of “reversing disease,” because during the healing process the body is known to re-visit each kind of pain, skin rash or disease that it experienced prior to the healing; all depending on how long the healing process is. Dr. Sebi has addressed at least eight things regarding the method of boosting the immune system.

          THE METHOD
          1. Fasting
          2. Dr. Sebi Compounds
          3. A Gallon of Water a Day
          4. Exercise
          5. Refrain from consuming detrimental foods
          6. Eat according to a list of foods that Dr. Sebi has recommended.
          7. Sleep (be kind to your body and get some rest)
          8. Usha Village (or stress relieving practices)

          If you plan to go to Usha Village you will want to use the methods listed from 1 to 7 prior to arriving in order to help condition you for the cleansing process.

          Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food has immune system boosting tea for people to purchase right now.

  11. What’s up Zee Malachi? I want to thank you for everything you’re doing to help keep Dr Sebi’s message alive and to teach us what he has taught. I wanted to know what plants are in the banju and bromide Plus?

    • I appreciate that, so thank you. I can only give you the main ingredients and that’s it.

      Banju (Created by Dr. Sebi’s daughter Xave) Brain and central nerve tonic made especially for children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Effectiveness for nervous system condition (pain, irritability and sleeplessness). Also effective in adults.

      Main Ingredients: Santa Maria, Blue Vervain, Bardana, and Elderberry.

      Bromide Plus > Main Ingredients: Bladderwrack, and Irish Moss.

  12. Hi what is the therapeutic package and I have a lot of pain in the testicals and in the groin area. I want to improve my overall health by cleansing it completely. Is therapeutic package helpful? I stay in India and used to eating wheat or jawar in everyday life. Is organic wheat ok to consume ?

    • Wheat is not on the nutritional Guide. Stick to what is on the nutritional guide. Be sure to get the Chelation. Yes the small cleansing package will help. The therapeutic package will help even more. Contact the office about the therapeutic package.

  13. Hello and may our teacher rest in the most high. I have severe pain in my lower back and stiffness in my legs. Sometimes it’s hard for me to even walk properly. Now, I am pregnant and believe this will make it more complicated to carry to term. Are Dr. Sebi’s products okay while pregnant?

  14. Hi, Thank you for the sterling work you continue to do.

    Does you have distributors for Dr. Sebi’s products in Africa, or any platform open to discuss re-distribution/wholesale of Dr Sebi’s products? if not, do you allow bulk orders and resale of original products?

    Nolage, South Africa

  15. Good day, my mother has recently been diagnosed with full blown vascular dementia, does the late, great Dr Sebi recommend any herbs that can combat this ailment ??

  16. I am interested in a cure for bi polar. I do believe that a 90 day fast will cure it. In order to fast I know that I have to use herbs, sea moss and 1 gallon of spring water a day. What are the good herbs to use for curing bi polar? I know it can be done, just want to know how.

  17. Do you have any remedies to cure genital herpes forever ?

  18. Hi, Zee.

    What herbs do you recommend for eye health and restoring sight?

  19. How do restore my sexual virility in my genitalia areas. Enlargement???

  20. What is recommended to start for weight loss

  21. I have recently changed my diet and plan on following the nutritional guide and I was wondering what would help me with depression and anxiety?

    • Anytime the body is deprived of minerals there is more opportunity to take on an acidic state which can also lead to depression. Dr. Sebi often spoke about LOVE in relation to how well he felt once he was finally cured of his diseases by flushing his system with herbal tea for 3 months combined with eating nothing at all and after consistently consuming his herbal compounds as follow up – he was far from being depressed.

      Exercising assist with keeping depression away as well.

  22. Can I get a copy of the Nutritional Guide, please…….

  23. Hi I have an abscessed tooth is there anything I can do to help besides getting it pulled? I am willing to try dr. Sebi diet and everything.

  24. I just came to know about Dr. Sebi, and am trying to follow the nutritional guide. I am nervous and eat all the time and binge and have plaque psoriasis and eczema . I am putting on weight and depressed . Is there something I could start with?

    Many Thanks1

    • Trying to follow Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide can be I challenge; I know. Ultimately what is comes down to is what we want to do in regards to the realities that we are familiar with. Motivation comes from SELF and no one else. Even when it comes to inspiration, it’s because you have done things in your life that has prepared you to become inspired by a message or idea. You have found out about Dr. Sebi because according to your lifestyle and CONCERNS, you are ready.

      Dr. Sebi reminds us that the body can heal itself, but that the reason it has such a hard time doing so is because of a lifestyle where we consistently abuse our bodies by eating detrimental foods and starving it by goings years without any mineral nutritional value. Plant-based minerals are the life source of the body, also regarded by Dr. Sebi as the “Complimentary” substance necessary for curing people of a genetic construct that is of the highest vibratory status. This complimentary process is what Dr. Sebi refers to as Chemical Affinity. The body becomes obstructed with mucus when the cells become compromised from severe neglect. An acidic state develops where toxins flourish, the immune system gets weak and can’t do its job as well, organs soon shut down and when the nervous system tries to flush toxins out, our skin reflects the battle that is taking place.

      For this fight we need to make sure that we are hydrated and get our immune system back online; we do that by getting some plant-based iron into our system and drinking a gallon of water a day. You’re going to need some energy while the water you’re drinking can break up and dissolve what it can and the rest can come out by chelation. The Small Cleansing Package is perfect for this because you will receive the Viento (energy), Bioferro (iron) and the Chelation, which you can get from the office or website.

      You’ve noticed that your sensory sensitivity is way up as indicated by your nervousness and depression, so we use Banju for that. Binge eating is what eventually happens when the body is starving on a cellular level. To address that we use the Bromide Powder Plus. Packed with 92 of the 102 minerals that the body needs and is responsible for reversing several of the conditions that people suffered from. Watch video for Bromide Tea preparation. Check out some of the testimonies for Bromide Powder Plus.

      Wendy –
      If you are skeptical about using Dr. Sebi products, this is the best way to test the product. The Bromide plus power has cleansed me from inside out. The first thing I noticed is the clarity of my skin and my morning breath is non existent. This is a great startup id if you don’t want to invest in a full cleansing package.

      Isaac Ward –
      Bromide plus powder very effective with my joint pain,decreased appetite and inflammation.

      Doris Jaime –
      For 3 years I struggled with hypothyroidism. I refused conventional medicine. I stated using Dr. Sabi’s products a year ago. I used Bromide Plus powder, Estro, and the small cleansing package. Last week, my Endocrinologist informed me that I no longer have Hypothyroidism.
      No more depression, Anxiety or thin fingernails.
      I will continue to take Bromide Power.

      Beside the Bromide Plus Powder, there is also something that you can use externally; the Eva Salve. This will help with psoriasis and eczema. You can read the article that I did on Dr. Sebi’s Eva Salve for more information.

      The task where healing must be accomplished is found in the pH balance in the body’s blood. Immunology reveals that getting sick, acquiring diseases and bad microbes are due to a deficiency in the blood which affects the immune system. If the pH of the body is acidic, then it will strip the body of it’s mineral nutrients and deprived the body’s ability to have a strong immune system. Keep in mind that during some healing or cleansing processes, you will need to get more rest than usual. Depending on your situation, you may need to prepare to endure what is referred to as the healing crisis; which in short means to expect things to get worse before they get better. This has a lot to do with why Dr. Sebi uses the terminology of “reversing disease,” because during the healing process the body is known to re-visit each kind of pain, skin rash or disease that it experienced prior to the healing; all depending on how long the healing process is. Dr. Sebi has addressed at least eight things regarding the method of boosting the immune system.

      1. Fasting
      2. Dr. Sebi Compounds
      3. A Gallon of Water a Day
      4. Exercise
      5. Refrain from consuming detrimental foods
      6. Eat according to a list of foods that Dr. Sebi has recommended.
      7. Sleep (be kind to your body and get some rest)
      8. Usha Village (or stress relieving practices)

      If you plan to go to Usha Village you will want to use the methods listed from 1 to 7 prior to arriving in order to help condition you for the cleansing process.

      I realize that access to certain wholefood stores may not be a convenience for plenty of people, but the average grocery store still has accessible approved fruits and vegetables. We still have to learn how to store our foods though.

      You are on the path towards removing a lot of inflammation from your body, which will account for a lot of your weight gain. I’m wishing you a successful healing journey and thank you for visiting Advocates for Dr. Sebi.

      • Thank you Zee. I really appreciate your taking the time and effort to answer our questions here. I had spoken to the office and ordered the basic cleansing package and eva salve and iron plus, am making my own bromide plus and green food capsules to make it a bit economical. You have recommended fasting, but, I cannot stop eating for now. I am hoping things will get better! Thank you for the awesome website.

  25. I have finished the 21 day Chelation pack along with 2 bottle of Iron plus tonic. I must say that I have adhered to Dr. Sebi’s food list by the 80/20 rule. The psoriasis is more inflamed than before. I am still hungry all the time, tired as well. Any suggestions, Zee?

    • Yes, consistency is the key and be patient. Get yourself some of the Burdock and dandelion herbs to make tea and drink them regularly along with some form of exercise – that will give you ENERGY. It will indeed get worse before it gets better. The reverse is real.

  26. Hey Zee, Im battling with anxiety, constant worry, and panic attacks from time to time. I was wondering what could help me concerning these issues?

  27. Hi my daughter was diagnosed with Erbs palsy/ brachial plexus and winging of the scapula. She is 11 now. What do you recommend she can take to repair the nerve damage she suffered as well as regain movement and muscle strength back in her arms, chest and back? She has cartilage built up around her bone on her elbow. Her arm also gets stiff and we have to stretch it a lot. Thank you and God bless.

  28. Hi Zee, This post really resonated with me. I currently experience the feeling of mucus behind my throat. I’ve had this feeling for about 4 years but never thought much of it since the feeling comes and goes. But now im experiencing panic attacks and GERD along with it and the mucus feeling behind my throat doesn’t go away anymore but I haven’t been sick with a cold for a while so I know now that it might as well be to much mucus in my head along with my body. My question is what would you recommend that will effectively cleanse my head and body from the mucus? And I guess the obvious question is if you know of someone who has gone through this and can help explain the process of how it can be done. Thanks in advance for your help much appreciated and please continue to do the work with this website I’ve learned a lot and currently studying as much as I can.

    • We would start with eating less detrimental foods and fast in a way suitable for us. The compounds will give us the minerals we need and assist the body with removing the toxins and mucus that cause these issues.

  29. My 3 year old has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, also with adhd/hyperactive, aggression, compulsiveness and behavioral problems. His behavior is unbearable and overwhelming. He bites/hits other children and adults; he never listens, he never sleeps he’s wired up and full of energy from the time he wakes up early morning 7am to past midnight. I’m exhausted and extremely overwhelmed. My son’s condition is affecting my own health. I’m starting to suffer from anxiety, weight gain, stress, high blood pressure, depression and I’m changing from a once happy person to an angry person. We both need help!

    Which of dr. Sebi’s medication do you recommend for him?


    Which do you recommend for me?

  30. Hello,

    I’m suffering from an anxiety disorder and damaged nerves. I can’t see clearly no more, everything is blurred and i feel like my head is exploding.
    Is there anything particular for “mental illnesses” although I know that the body and the soul are one.
    Thank you!

  31. I checkd out dr sebis sons site. he sells products. also, his ex wife sells products. Do you use any of their products? I want to know who has the very best dr sebi herbs.

  32. Can we get a review of sebis son asamis site? Also does fig tree offer better products than the site with his name?

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