Bell’s Palsy

We are no stranger to disease as it cripples us by our feet (i.e. gout), grabs our heart, organs and precious colon in order to claim the best of our lives. Illness has never had a boring time with our lives and has never even considered our head and face off limits. Which brings us to the topic of the day; Bell’s Palsy.

When there is a nerve condition hormones tend to contract or retain or they don’t do their work cause they are held back; there’s a nerve condition. You know like, even the muscles contract, the muscle in your face contract when there is nerve problem.
Bellman Palsy is one. Bellman Palsy is caused mainly by emotional reaction and it pulls the muscle on the face to one side. And when the person relax again, the muscle relax.
Interviewer: So the remedy in Bellman’s Palsy is to get into an unstressfull or relaxed state. In your situation would be to take one of these baths?

Dr. Sebi: That’s right! It’s not one of these baths, you take baths twice a day.
And then you take also the therapy; the internal therapy – which is what? The pavana, the gordocio negro, the cepress, and yes, my most favorite, the Drago! These are plants that you will never hear in the America standard pharmacopeia. You don’t even hear these herbs in the mouth of herbalists in Honduras or in the United States and for that matter even in Honduras, you go to Honduras and ask people the herbs I use – they don’t even know them. Because they too busy reading herbal books. And they not in the herbal books. And those that are in the herbal books are hybrid.


Dr. Sebi will simply remove the mucus and inflammation responsible for compromising the cellular structure and nerves. Banju, Bromide Plus Powder and the small cleansing package is far more complimentary to the body than medical subscriptions for chemicals and surgery. The more Dr. Sebi succeeded in helping people get rid of all sorts of illnesses, the more it confirmed his selection for the use of specific herbs. All natural and non-hybrid plants rich in iron and potassium (Iron fluorine and Potassium phosphate) to combine with other tropical herbs in order to make compounds that our carbon-based mineral-body would be familiar with and therefore ready to assimilate. Disease often surfaces after years of consuming the most detrimental foods that we can find; thanks in part to food industry propaganda. The body can only repel substances that we put in our body for so long before the deprivation of nutrition creates an acid condition. Once we finally get some cell food in our system our health recovery is based on the simultaneous activity of two things:
1. Minerals – The replacement of our minerals that was stripped by the acid state.
2. Healthy Cells – The revitalizing of our cells which will contribute to the repair of damaged skin, nerves and organs.



Bell’s Palsy.- also termed idiopathic facial paralysis (IFP).
Temporary for most people. The disorder or paralysis of the 7th cranial facial nerve (not related to stroke), which produces distortion on one side of the face. It is known to affect (pain & discomfort) only one of the paired facial nerves and one side of the face or head, however, in rare cases, it can affect both sides.

The cause of Bell’s Palsy is not clear. It is noted as an unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness and that damage to the nerve has been caused by inflammation. It most notably follows a systemic viral infection such as the common cold, herpes, varicella-zoster virus, Lyme disease, or the possibility of an autoimmune disease process.

The condition seems to occur more often in pregnant individuals and diabetics. Most instances of true Bell’s palsy last several days to months, but can sometimes result in permanent paralysis. It begins suddenly with a one-sided facial droop and worsens over 48 hours to 72 hours. Bell’s Palsy is chemically treated with a 10-day course of steroids. In some cases antiviral therapy may also be prescribed. For other procedures see VIDEO.

Many health problems can cause weakness or paralysis of the face (e.g. Stroke).
Facial weakness can be caused by strokes in many different locations in the brain and brain stem. Strokes involving the brain typically cause central facial weakness that involves the mouth and spares the eye and forehead. Strokes involving the brain stem can sometimes cause weakness of the mouth, eye and forehead.

Although both Bell’s palsy and acute stroke cause “acute” facial weakness, ischemic stroke is much more acute in onset, reaching maximum severity within seconds to minutes. Bell’s palsy reaches maximum severity within hours to a few days. Patients often don’t know the exact time of onset, but family members, co-workers, or other witnesses may have more information. It’s crucial to determine the time they were last seen normal when assessing onset, rather than the time they first noticed the deficit.

The House–Brackmann score is a score to grade the degree of nerve damage in a facial nerve palsy. The measurement is determined by measuring the upwards (superior) movement of the mid-portion of the top of the eyebrow, and the outwards (lateral) movement of the angle of the mouth. Each reference point scores 1 point for each 0.25 cm movement, up to a maximum of 1 cm. The scores are then added together, to give a number out of 8. The score predicts recovery in those with Bell’s palsy.

The score carries the name of the Dr John W. House and Dr Derald E. Brackmann, otolaryngologists in Los Angeles, California, who first described the system in 1985. It is one of a number of facial nerve scoring systems, such as Burres-Fisch, Nottingham, Sunnybrook, and Yanagihara. Of these, the Nottingham scale has been identified as possibly being easier and more reproducible. A modification of the original House–Brackmann score, called the “Facial Nerve Grading Scale 2.0” (FNGS2.0) was proposed in 2009. SEE VIDEO 

Bell, Sir Charles. – Born at Edinburgh Scotland in November 1774. After he had passed through the usual course of preliminary schooling he embraced the profession of medicine and devoted himself chiefly to the study of anatomy, under the direction of his elder brother, John Bell, the anatomist. While he was still a pupil, he published in Edinburgh in 1798, his first work, entitled “A System of Dissections, explaining the anatomy of the Human Body, the manner of Displaying the parts, and their varieties in disease.” For many years this book was considered an excellent guide for the student in anatomy. In 1802 he published a series of engravings of original drawings showing the anatomy of the brain and nervous system. In 1804 he wrote the 3rd volume of “The Anatomy of the Human Body by John and Charles Bell;” this volume containing the anatomy of the nervous system and of the organs of special sense. Towards the end of the same year he left Edinburgh and settled in London. But before leaving Edinburgh he had written his work on the “Anatomy of Expression.” This book which was published in London shortly after his arrival in that city, attracted a good deal of attention. Seven years later in 1811 he published his “New Idea of the Anatomy of the Brain,” in which he announced the discovery of the different functions of the nerves corresponding with their relation to the different parts of that organ. In his larger work, “The Nervous System of the Human Body,” published in 1830, the results of his long continued and valuable researches in this comparatively new department of anatomy and physiology are set forth in more perfect detail.

Charles Bell’s reputation as a surgeon began in 1807 when he wrote a “System of Comparative Surgery” in which surgery is regarded almost wholly from an anatomical and operative point of view. This book at once placed him in the highest rank of English writers on surgery. In 1812 he was appointed surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital and he retained this post for 24 years. During this period he published a number of treaties and articles on surgical topics but it was not until 1839 or 1840 that he wrote his larger work, entitled “Institutes of Surgery.” In 1830 when William IV ascended the throne Charles Bell was Knighted. In 1836 he gave up his large practice in London and accepted the chair of surgery in the university of Edinburgh. His death occurred on April 28th, 1842. Bell’s paralysis and a number of other neurological eponyms were called after him.

Sir Charles Bell’s remarkable skills as an artist undoubtedly aided him very materially in attaining his great reputation as an anatomist, as a physiologist and as a surgeon; a reputation which appears to have been as great on the continent of Europe as throughout Great Britain and her colonies.
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  1. Hello
    brother zee could you please explain the theory and how to do the 1 bottle a day of iron plus or bio ferro for 10 days safely.
    if yes could you tell me if there’s any side effects that I should look at for such as increase detox symptoms etc and can it be done with the fasting routine I am doing.( no food after lunch)
    peace and blessings

    • I have only presented what Dr. Sebi has presented. Which is to drink an bottle of the iron tonic one each day for ten days. I have not yet been fortunate enough to hear testimony involving experienced side effect. I do think that it can be done along side a fasting routine.

  2. Dr. Sebi’s herbs accommodated with his (Nutritional Guide) cured my granddaughter of Bell’s Palsy. Hid nutritional guide makes absolutely no exceptions to acidic or GMO foods. Dr.Sebi’s herbs have been 100% effective for my family. If would like to know about my granddaughter’s experience contact me at 202 316 4563 for details and pictures.

  3. hi I havea late-term facial phalsy since 2009 March (Grade II.) Because I couldn’t continue to my physic/manuel therapy because of my heavy exam term at school and still I can’t talk properly, I have a pressure linked to my disease on my ears (my right side has no problem except my ear and my headphone might have cause it as well there is a pressure inequality between my ears (small desibel deficit like Air desibel left 2db- right 3db Bone decibel left 4 right 7 just a meaningless pressure makes me sad psychologically) as well. Half of my left lips are weak I can’t make an exact whistle noise and talk clearly. And my left eybrow I am not be able to raise it. That’s all. Please help me I live in Istanbul since 2006 I’m half American half deutsch. I want to buy Dr .Sebi ‘s pills I think they are like. But please let me know If they have a serious side effect. Note: (I have an anti bactrim allergy)

  4. My sister had abcess removed from her spine however that was a year ago, and during the surgery the nerves were damaged. So the doctor told her about some natural medicine which we found out later it wasn’t natural at all and the side effects actually worsened her paralysis and spasticity, and the side effects were horrible…now we really need to help her walk again, what do you think doctor sebi would have recommend for her? she really needs to take the right herbs. Today is 2/23/2018 Thankyou for your time..

    • She needs to detox, fast and eat the right food. When studying the website also take a look at how I answer other people’s questions.

      The task where healing must be accomplished is found in the pH balance in the body’s blood. Immunology reveals that getting sick, acquiring diseases and bad microbes are due to a deficiency in the blood which affects the immune system. If the pH of the body is acidic, then it will strip the body of it’s mineral nutrients and deprived the body’s ability to have a strong immune system.

      Keep in mind that during some healing or cleansing processes, you will need to get more rest than usual. Depending on your situation, you may need to prepare to endure what is referred to as the healing crisis; which in short means to expect things to get worse before they get better. This has a lot to do with why Dr. Sebi uses the terminology of “reversing disease,” because during the healing process the body is known to re-visit each kind of pain, skin rash or disease that it experienced prior to the healing; all depending on how long the healing process is. Dr. Sebi has addressed at least eight things regarding the method of boosting the immune system.

      1. Fasting
      2. Dr. Sebi Compounds
      3. A Gallon of Water a Day
      4. Exercise
      5. Refrain from consuming detrimental foods
      6. Eat according to a list of foods that Dr. Sebi has recommended.
      7. Sleep (be kind to your body and get some rest)
      8. Usha Village (or stress relieving practices)

      If you plan to go to Usha Village you will want to use the methods listed from 1 to 7 prior to arriving in order to help condition you for the cleansing process.

      Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food has immune system boosting tea for people to purchase right now.

  5. Does anyone know if Dr Sebi approves of Brussels Sprouts? Thanks so much.

  6. What is the steps to get rid of Multiple sclerosis?

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